www.retroRockets.org Retro Rockets - Photo Archive Volume 10

(Click on the picture to zoom in)
Picture File star027-t.jpg The Snapp Special car. Picture File star028-t.jpg The Snapp Special car. Picture File star029-t.jpg Eddie West. Westie was legendary in these parts and drove this Frank Barthell car to several victories.
Picture File star030-t.jpg Picture File star031-t.jpg Eddie West. Westie was legendary in these parts and drove this Frank Barthell car to several victories. Picture File star032-t.jpg Jim Landry. Jim was not a big guy but he was always fast. Note the bolt-on roll cage.
Picture File star033-t.jpg Jim Landry. Jim was not a big guy but he was always fast. Note the bolt-on roll cage.
David Thomas writes in: "Dad thinks Babe Branscombe may be in the car in this picture? The car is a VERY early Edmonds sprinter. (Dad thinks) Jimmy sold this car for $10,000 and wished he didn't. Note: Big blocks were starting to come into the field of Supers. This car used to be a small block. This car had a Model A -Type front spring (it ran from side to side with jacking bolts). Jimmy was very dominant in this car!!"
Picture File star034-t.jpg Jim Landry. Jim was not a big guy but he was always fast. Note the bolt-on roll cage. Picture File star004-t.jpg Eddie Witkum's car. Am I wrong, or does this car appear to be a copy of Howard Purdy's Deuce?
Picture File star005-t.jpg Eddie Witkum at the star. Picture File star006-t.jpg The Bill Hite super, Tampa Florida's Bill Roynon.
Armond Holley drove a Hite car owned by a guy from Ohio named Bill Port.Of course Armond drove for everyone at one time.Additionally Bill Hite lives in Loxley,Al,(near the coast). He is completely out of racing as I understand.
Picture File star007-t.jpg The Bill Hite super, Tampa Florida's Bill Roynon.
Picture File star008-t.jpg The Bill Hite super, Tampa Florida's Bill Roynon. Picture File star009-t.jpg The Bill Hite super, Tampa Florida's Bill Roynon. Picture File star010-t.jpg The Bill Hite super, Tampa Florida's Bill Roynon.
John Spence, Former Star Speedway announcer writes in "Stumbled upon your page and really enjoyed it. Almost fell off the chair when I saw myself in a photo of Bill Hite's super. at Star Speedway. That car if I remember that year was driven by Tampa Florida's Bill Roynon and the # 43 in the background was driven by Page Reynolds out of Texas. That year saw a large entry list of outside entries for the Can-Am Classic. The # 93 super was driven by Star regular Jeff Horne." [That must be you in the sunglasses, John?]