www.retroRockets.org Retro Rockets - Photo Archive Volume 8

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Picture File 2and01-t.jpg Jack Greedy and Bentley Warren wrecking very hard inbetween 3-4 at Oswego. It happened on the last race in Oct. 69, Bentley hit so hard that while he was at the hospital he kept saying that he had to get back to the track so he could win the Classic, Now mind you, he had already won the Classic a month earlier on Labor Day Weekend Sept. 69, but the doctors and nurses could not convince him of that fact. This accident I think pretty much ended Jack's racing. Picture File rarewin1-t.jpg Bentley Warren in the Snyder 77, an old Swift car. Picture File sparkplug-t.jpg Bentley Warren talking to Darrell Waltrip (in Budweiser fire suit) after Waltrip warmed up the backup flying 5 super the night the ASA race was at oswego. The driver in the red fire suit is Joe Rutman, he despiritly wanted to jump in Bentley's super and race. He was there for the ASA race.
Picture File speed78-t.jpg Great picture of Jim Shampine. This was a cool car! Picture File twocars-t.jpg Wow! Look at this picture of Jim Shampines cars. The rear engine, and his regular, front engine car - side by side. Pic of Jimmy with both cars, in the background is the yellow #1 of Doug Heveron (this is the ex-Shampine car), and the white #14 is Mike Schoeberlein. Picture File os001-t.jpg Don Mclaren from Tewksbury, MA in the "Flyin' Five". 1969 or 1970.
Picture File os002-t.jpg Norm Mackareth in the #40. 1969 or 1970. Picture File os003-t.jpg Norm Mackareth in the #40. 1969 or 1970. Picture File os004-t.jpg This picture is from 1970 and the beautiful white number 52 car is Harold Brown from Brantford, Ontario. This car was built by Harold Brown and Harvey Docksteader in 1970. The car was then sold to Al Webster who put a big block Chevy in the car and hired Gary Witter as the driver in late 1971. Driving this car, Gary, then, lost his life in a terrible accident on the 10th lap of the 1971 classic. Norm Mackareth in the #40.
Picture File os005-t.jpg Kemp Dates in the #28.1969 or 1970. Picture File os006-t.jpg Gordie Dukes in the #33. 1969 or 1970. Picture File os007-t.jpg Gordie Dukes in the #33. 1969 or 1970.
Picture File os008-t.jpg Paul Richardson from Georgetown, MA in the foreground and Jack Conely in the background. 1969 or 1970. Picture File os009-t.jpg Paul Richardson from Georgetown MA. As I remember, they called this car the "Screaming Yellow Zonker". 1969 or 1970. Picture File os010-t.jpg Kemp Dates in the #28 roadster. 1969 or 1970.